DEFRA Publish New Heather Burning Licence Guidance
DEFRA have published their hotly anticipated guidance for licencing burning on Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA)
On Saturday , DEFRA published their hotly anticipated guidance for licencing burning on Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). This guidance relates to the burning of vegetation on a designated site on peat that is of a depth of more than 40cm.
It is pleasing to see that the Licence application process, which will enable burning to be undertaken if a Licence is granted, is more straightforward than those that we have seen published in the past by other Government organisations. However, each application does require the applicant to submit specific documentation when applying for a licence, such as a restoration plan and/or wildfire management plan. Whilst many Estate’s will have this documentation in place, our dedicated Licencing team are actively working with a number of Estate’s to pull this documentation together in advance of the application form being made available on June 1st 2021.
Please do contact our dedicated team at if you would like to discuss your individual requirements. We would be delighted to help.