Beatkeeper Job Vacancy
The Islay Estate - Island of Islay, Southern Hebrides on the West coast of Scotland
JM Osborne Rural & Sporting are looking for a Beatkeeper to help on a family Estate on the Island of Islay, extending to 55,000 acres. The Shoot comprises wild pheasant, woodcock, duck, grouse and deer. This is a wonderfully varied role for someone wanting to experience keepering at its very best.
This is truly a wild bird Shoot meaning predator control and the creation and maintenance of rich, biodiverse habitats are priorities.
The position attracts a salary commensurate with experience plus good housing, vehicles and equipment.
Driving licence and shotgun/firearms certificates are essential.
Apply with detailed CV to: JM Osborne Rural & Sporting, Unit 11 & 12, Vantage Business Park, Bloxham Road, Banbury, OX16 9UX