Driven European Wild Boar
- You will have the most exciting time of your life! -
Shooting driven Wild Boar is certainly one of the most exhilarating forms of shooting available and we are incredibly fortunate here in the UK to have such easy access to the world’s best driven boar, just a short distance away in Europe.
Shooting driven boar brings a level of adrenaline and anticipation rarely experienced in other forms of shooting which is only amplified by the impressive echoes of both enthusiastic beaters and dogs coming through the undergrowth as they work in unison, strategically driving the game towards well positioned guns.
There is much to consider when looking to locate a suitable driven hunt and while the fundamentals seldom change, there is great variety in the approach each estate takes in putting together each hunt. It is therefore well worth seeking further assistance before booking.
At William Powell Sporting we are delighted to work with a range of Europe’s very best driven boar shoots, which enables us to ensure teams are well positioned and the offerings are in line with their expectations. We have outlined below some examples of our partner Estates which we hope might be of interest.
If you wish to discuss any of these options further, please contact Ollie or Will for more information.

Nothing makes your heart beat faster than facing down a wild European Boar as it charges towards you. We represent some fantastic private Estates in France and Austria, which provide the finest shooting and luxury accommodation available, all as part of a bespoke package for you.